Care For Your Lights

"The In Thing ..." offers lights for Decorative purposes & to ensure their long life a few points should be noted:

  • These Lights are not a toy & should be handled with due care & respect – this applies in particular to the Mini LED Light Strings
  • Electrical Lights are for indoor use unless specified on packaging & plug label
  • L.E.D light bulbs have a life span of + 5000 hours.  Once ‘blown’ they have lived their life span & can not be replaced
  • Any alterations to the lights – cutting, joining/extending, removing plugs or battery pack will cause the warranty to be nul & void & no replacements or returns will be offered.
  • Only the 10 and 20m connectable lights strings & the Mini Snowfall Curtain can be joined together by the provided male / female connectors.  Do not mix different types of products together or with other suppliers products
  • Keep all lights stored in a cool dry place


  • These lights are designed for Event / Function Decor & not for long term continuous use ie: leaving in a water feature for weeks
  • Submersible to up to 1 metre in depth
  • Please ensure they are screwed together  / closed well & that the thread is aligned correctly
  • Rubbing around the the two parts before screwing closed with some Vaseline can help to create an extra barrier against the chance of any water seeping in 
  • Submersible Tea, Diamond & 1.25m Mini lights are not sealed when switched off – Do Not place in water
  • Remove from water as soon as practical at the end of your function & dry thoroughly first before opening to switch off and / or remove batteries
  • If a slight bit of moisture has seeped in, leave open in a sunny spot to dry out 100%.  In most cases the lights will continue to work just fine although slight discolouration of the paper insert can occour
  • REMOTE CONTROL LIGHTS: the sensor for the remote is in the top of the Tea Lights & depending on the thickness of the vase it may be necessary to be more specific when pointing the remote or aim down into the vase
  • When the batteries inside the 10 LED Large Tea Light unit are low the signal from the remote will NOT be picked up. It is not the battery in the remote that is dead. The Tea Light will eventually revert to just red colour when very low as this colour LED draws the least power.  Please bear this in mind when planning your event.  
  • All points for Basic Battery Operated Lights apply here on

Rechargeable Light Bases

  • These light bases are designed with a rechargeable battery built into them
  • They require charging for +/- 7 hours to be fully charged up for best light up time  
  • The red indicator light turns green once fully charged
  • In case you forget to charge it – the 15cm model has the option of running of 3 x AA batteries.  Please ensure these are REMOVED before charging at the mains again other wise the light base will get damaged and the batteries can explode 

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