Petal Dunk

Create eye catching centre pices - Petal Dunk can secure even a King Protea in place under water. *NB: No harm was done to the Goldfish in this Photo Shoot

“PETAL-DUNK”™ is a suction devise that has been designed to anchor your Flowers, Fruit and other decorative products such as ribbon, Christmas balls and Angel Hair under water.

Instead of displaying a whole bunch of your flowers on the outside of your vase, you are able to display a single flower in the inside of your vase. Alternatively you can create a stunning feature by grouping a number of flowers within your vase to create a unique elegance that cannot be achieved otherwise.

This is not only an innovative way of displaying flowers but is an extremely cost effective way of doing the flowers for weddings and other functions. Most flowers last longer than one would expect under water.

The reason for this is that although there is no contact with air on your flower, th re is oxygen in the water so your flowers breathes. The stem is “open’ and so your flower drinks. .

Your flower will use up the oxygen in the water and so your water will become opaque. When this happens you will need to replenish your oxygen and do so by replacing the water after washing your vase.

If you do this, your flowers will last a long time. Roses for example will last anything between 3-4 weeks and Orchids up to 3 months..

Box of 6 Petal Dunk™

The “PETAL-DUNK”™ is a “suction devise” and not a weight.  
Please ensure your vase is freshly cleaned & dust free.  So as long as you have water in your vase, it is either concave or flat and there is no oil in your water, your “PETAL-DUNK”™ will remain firmly attached to the glass.

See more on Facebook “Petal Dunk” Fresh Flowers New Ideas  

Petal Dunk is a trade marked product developed here in South Africa by a professional florist (Patented trade mark 2007/23497-8)

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